Wednesday, October 5, 2011



Good afternoon,

A normal morning was had here in Room 2.

Some maths...

...some reading...

(Blue Reading Group also acted out and photographed their latest book Little Chimp and the Buffalo, but I don't have a copy to mark up the text! It'll have to wait 'till later...)

In the afternoon, after R.E. (test tomorrow - name your Parish and Priest, how we can be like Jesus, and the definitions of Privilege and Responsibility) we went out to watch a couple of touch rugby games between Hoon Hay School and OLA Year 5/6s. Think of it as Education Outside the Classroom - the children learnt that when Mr Grant says put on a jersey because it's cold out there, and yet one doesn't, one gets cold!

Speaking of games outside, the OLA athletics day has been postponed until next term.

Jolly jolly,

Mr Grant

PS the clips will show once You Tube has finished it's maintenance, or whatever they're doing.

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