Sunday, January 30, 2011

Room 2 Newsletter for Term 1, Week 1

Good afternoon,

Here is our first Room 2 newsletter for Term 1, Week 1, 2011.

Galoop and I will see you on Tuesday.

Bye for now,

Mr Grant

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Galoop's First Adventure for 2011

Good evening, and welcome to the new Room 2 Blog for 2011.

To celebrate, Galoop took the boys for another blast at Laser Strike.

And a blast we all had too. For the first time, Luke (the one in the middle with Galoop, Matthew's - he's my son - the one with the curly mop - friend from Blenheim) got more points than I did!

See you on Tuesday,

Mr Grant

By the way, if you want to read any more of Galoops adventures from last year, click here.